
This is a copy of our script that we printed out and used.
The Guilty Innocent

Script #001


Ryan-Cole Norton

Tom Lear

Edward Hardy

Sam Cooper













Investigator:             You’ve caused a lot of trouble this time Locker, really not making this easy for us. So how about you be a good lad and save us some paperwork eh?

Locker:          *remains silent*

Investigator: Right then, [messes with paper and pen] let’s get this over with. David Jones, could you tell us where you were between 3pm and 5pm on Tuesday the 7th of February?

Locker:                       No Comment

Investigator: Do you know this man? *slides photograph of Wallace*

Locker:                       *remains silent*

Investigator: That is Wallace Stafford, 19 years of age, apprentice at Wernham Hog Paper company. David Jones have you ever met or interacted with this man Wallace Stafford?

Locker:                       No comment

Investigator: Do you know of any reason that anyone would want to harm Wallace Stafford?

Locker:                       No comment

Investigator:             Mr Jones… did you murder Wallace Stafford?

Locker:                    *pause* No comment…
