Juno Music in opening scenes

Music in opening scenes 

In the film Juno the song in the opening credits the song is upbeat which contradicts to the the plot of the film which is a drama film with dark comedy. The film Juno is a American comedy film directed by Jason Reitman this film is also a drama and was released in 2007.

Image result for juno opening scene

The director has chose this song for an ironic effect. The upbeat choice gives a unexpected twist to the film tricking the audience into thinking it will be a bright film. When in fact the film is about a young pregnant women who is contemplating abortion. The bright music gives a new perspective on events if you just read the previous sentence you would not assume this is a bright film but the way the director sets up the intro lets him play around with the film and take it in the direction he wants to go.

Another effect the music has is that it is "young" music to signify her young age it is upbeat like any typical 16 year old would be but she is weighing up the decsion whether to keep the baby throughout the film.In complete contrast to what most 16 year olds have to think about.
