Practice filming of the interview scene

We where unsure on how long the interview scene would take due to our worries that we were going over the time allocated for the start of the film, We decided to give ourselves a practice run to get an idea on how long it would take so we would know if we needed to adapt the script or just shorten the pauses and say lines quicker. For this draft film we didn't have many of the props just the coat the criminal will wear because i had that on me at the time. We had to record it on a phone due to the fact this was not planned until the day due to our sudden time fear. So the audio camera and the props were all lacking but the most important part of the draft we got was the timing that was key and we learnt that it was possible to do in the time we are allocated.

Unfortunately the video for this was lost but this trial helped us a lot figuring out what we need to do.

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