Character Types and Costume

To keep to the stereotype of the chav in our film the chav will wear a black coat as that is what most chavs are seen as wearing in films and TV shows. Dark clothes also gives connotations towards criminal behaviour as the first thing they will see will be the back of the head of a man with his coat up telling us without seeing his face he is a criminal so preparing the audience for the scene ahead.

The next character that will be used in the filming of this task, are the inspectors. The inspectors will be seen as being high up in the ranks of the police force, meaning that they will work at desks often and so therefore this leads to the stereotype of them wearing suits because wearing a suit gives the impression of a higher class as someone who is doing a manual such as a builder would not wear a suit. This means that the inspector in this film will be wearing suits or shirt ties and smart shoes as that is what the stereotype of them is, so the inspectors in the film will be wearing some form of a suit.
Make Up
Fake Blood
One of the props that will be used in this is fake blood. Fake blood will be used when the criminal attacks the victim so it will be more realistic, because in contrast if fake blood wasn't used then it wouldn't look as realistic and fake giving the audience a lesser experience than what could be easily achieved.
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