Props used in Harry Potter films
Arguably the main prop in the franchise is the wands. We first learn about wands when Harry enters ollivanders wand shop. In this scene we learn that each wand is unique so that means that each wand needs to be unique which would take a lot of time. The only time it is clear wands are the same if it is for effect for example Harry and Voldermort both have a phoenix wand to show the connection they share from the start. The most famous wand is the Elder wand as this is the most powerful and this was though that the only way you could have power of the wand was to kill the previous owner but was found that late on that you only had to disarm the owner.
The most famous sport in the Harry Potter universe is quidditch. This is a very complicated sport and explaining the rules would take multiple blog posts but the most important thing about quidditch is that it is played in the air on broom sticks. The three main brooms that are seen and the only ones official quidditch matches are played with are the Nimbus 2000 the Nimbus 2001 and the Firebolt (the comet is used when Harry and Ron play with apples in the back garden but this is the only time).
Props are a vital part in the world of wizardry. Without them the film just wouldnt work all of them needing to have perfection in the detail here i will talk about 3 props that came up in nearly all the Harry Potter films.
The Gryffindor team all use Nimbus 2000 while the Slytherin use the Nimbus 2001 which is faster but Harry gets gifted the Firebolt of his God father Sirus Black which is the fastest broom.
The main scene in Harry Potter is Hogwarts castle this where the students live learn and most of the films are based here. To the giant chess game in philosophers stone to the the final battle between Harry and Voldermort in the deathly Hallows part 2. Hogwarts also helps live up to the stereotype of witches and wizards. Without Hogwarts castle the magic that makes Harry Potter great wouldnt quite be there.
As can be seen props in Harry Potter are crucial and the film would not be the same without them.
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